shane watson 2017 As at July 2018

Name/ Nickname:
Shane Watson / Watto


Family? (Marital status?)
Married with 2 boys

Current job/Role ?
Mining Services Manager – Land Surveys ( )

What’s the best advice your Parents ever gave to you?
Having a good work ethic, always trying your best.

What’s your claim to fame?
Working across most of WA and some interesting overseas work both underground and open pit. Supporting and advice given to students/graduates and experienced mine surveyors

What’s your personal motto?
Anything is possible, just have a go at it.

What makes you happy?
Spending time with family and friends, watching the Eagles win and a day on the water fishing.

What makes you angry?
Lack of planning and poor communication.

What’s the most romantic thing you’ve done?
Boat cruise to the Pacific Islands.

Career History

Career to date?
Currently – Land Surveys

2013 to 2018 – Newmont, Boddington Gold Mine
2007 to 2013 - Cardno Spectrum Survey (Contracting)
2002 to 2007 - Gold Fields St Ives
1999 to 2002 - Kundana
1997 to 1999 - Contract Surveying

Career Influences?
Ron Reid, gave me an opportunity to progress my career and with his training haven't looked back.

Geoff Paynter, absolute great man that I have a lot of respect for his drive and work ethic

Career highlight (biggest achievement)?
Underground resurveys completed in Saudi Arabia and the Philippines

Working with the DMIRS and other State Surveying Boards on mutual recognition

Career shocker?
Having an instrument squashed by a bogger.

Career goals?
To further promote the surveying profession and introduce some changes here in WA.

Survey Work / People

What is the best piece of survey equipment/technology/software that you have used & why?
Mobile laser scanning and UAV work, working with the data and the results that it gives is interesting

What is the oldest piece of survey equipment that you have used?
T1 and GAK gyro, also used a Kern once to survey a underground rise.

Who's the strangest/funniest/unorthodox survey character that you've met so far (and why) ?
No one really stands out but I know a few guys who have told me some good surveying stories over the years.

What's the most contentious survey issue in your workplace at the moment?(eg. Hours of work, $$, career path, poor planning/scheduling, technology/equipment improvements, field experience, housing, training …???)
Reducing costs, implementing new technology however; potentially at the expense of one of the team's position to justify the expense.

If you were the boss for a day - list 3 things you would change?
Increased profile/recognition for the surveyors onsite!
Flexible rosters that meet the production needs but also giving the guys plenty of downtime with their families.
Similar pay structure to the other mining professions

APART from $$, what factor attracts you to work in the mining industry as opposed to other survey disciplines?
The people we work with. There are all sorts of characters that make the job interesting.

Would you recommend a career in surveying to a grade 12 school kid? If not, what career would you recommend?
Definitely, it has the best of both worlds with spending time in the office and outside in the field.


How do you relax?
Spending time with family, fishing, watersports.

What sports do you play/ watch?
Hockey. I like to watch AFL and a bit of American Football.

What are your other hobbies outside work?
Building, woodwork, anything using my hands.

Where would be your ideal retirement location?
Anywhere with water, somewhere to fish, and a bit of greenery.

Favourite food/drink?
Would have to be a good steak or good Aussie lamb, along with a rum, lemonade with a slice of lime.

Favourite movie?
Anytime Sci-Fi or Action, and has to be watched on the big screen in 3D.

Finally, if you were down to your last $10 what would you spend it on?


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