SBQ Surveyor Registration Workshops

SBQThe Surveyors Board of Queensland (SBQ) has put together several workshops to support the Surveyor Registration process.

AIMS has assessed these workshops with the following results.

  • Event: SBQ Registration Workshop
  • Provider: SBQ
  • Date: Various dates
  • CPD Event Codes: BOSSI24_E160 DM1
  • CPD points Allocation: 3 Survey Practice Points

There will be no charge for these workshops. Registered Surveyors, mentors, and supervisors who offer advice to Surveying Graduates are encouraged to attend these workshops. There are limited numbers available so bookings will made on a “first in” basis.

Additional workshops may be scheduled based on logistics and demand. Please reach out if you have a preferred location for another workshop.

There are still some places available in Cairns, Townsville, and the South East if you would like to organise workshops in your own office.

Please contact Steve Steggall directly by e-mail at to organise an event.

The 3-hour workshops will address issues such as:

  • Interpretation of the Competency Framework for Surveyors
  • Assessors’ expectations regarding amount of documentary evidence to be provided.
  • Typical issues identified in the assessment process.
  • Preparing your next CER in a reasonable timeframe
  • Compliance with the Board’s recently updated ‘Progression To Surveyor Policy’

Please register for workshops by e-mail to 

See schedule below and visit SBQ website for more information at


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