AIMS Honorary Membership Awarded

Mark McShaneThe AIMS Board has presented Mark McShane with an honorary membership at the 2023 AIMS Conference formal dinner in Sydney.

Mark has maintained the role of the AIMS Web Manager continuously for over 20 years through his home-based business inTouch web services, established in 2001 following a previous extensive career in mine surveying. He was nominated for the award by long-term AIMS Member and past Director Peter Sergeant for the board's consideration.

Peter said "Mark's work has been the cornerstone of AIMS for well over 20 years and his intimate knowledge of the world that we work in, coupled with his great technical skills in web design and social media integration, has been invaluable to the growth of the Institute."

"He has  been a sounding board for everything that has occurred through the website since the initial site was created and his efforts have been (and still are) greatly appreciated by all past and current office bearers and Directors along with the AIMS members," Peter added.

"Thank you so much to the AIMS Board for this thoughtful gesture," Mark posted in reply.

"Looking forward to several more years of behind-the-scenes web management with the AIMS team and helping them in promoting mine surveying as a fantastic career."

Mark-McShane-300.jpgMark's first career in coal mine surveying centred around the Illawarra region of NSW, starting off as a trainee and assistant surveyor, gaining his NSW Coal Mine Surveyor’s Certificate of Competency from the NSW Department of Mineral Resources in the early 1980s and culminating in a role as Surveyor-In-Charge of a small survey team until 2001 when the mine ceased production. 

He decided to take a chance with a major career move and explore the enormous potential of the internet in business and began working from home creating and managing websites and offering marketing strategies and consultancy for small business and associations such as AIMS.

With a specific desire to focus on mining and surveying websites, as his strong ongoing interests, he combined his experience in the use of technology with his technical writing ability and organisational, managerial and office administrative skills he had developed in his first career as a mine surveyor.

In November 2001 the AIMS AGM was held in Cessnock, where Rick Cairns was elected as President, Steve Lamb as Secretary and Paul Duncan as Treasurer. A motion was passed at that AGM to incorporate AIMS as a Company, as well as resolving to develop a website for the association, particularly as an aid to NSW members in the new CPD program being undertaken for mine surveyors.

Mark approached the AIMS executive with a proposal to create and manage a website for AIMS to satisfy these needs and as an added membership benefit, and the first official web site was approved and launched in 2003 with Craig Lowe being assigned as the first website coordinator assisting Mark in gathering content. The site included information on safety, legislation and industry news along with other ‘essential’ membership issues such as a footy tipping competition, a guestbook page, a proudly displayed ‘hit counter’ to prove popularity and a humour section. The site was partially funded by sponsors and membership fees.

For over 20 years Mark has continued in the role as AIMS Webmaster and has worked with many changing AIMS executives and volunteer coordinators over the years, involving several major site updates and re-launches.

mark-early-days2.jpgThe site has developed into a central portal for all membership matters including an online member database, renewals management, events, communication, discussion forums and an archive repository. In addition, Mark generates and analyses a yearly Members Salary Survey, also offering an opportunity for member feedback, as well as managing other aspects  relating to hosting, domain name management, newsletters and email account management for the AIMS executives.

He also manages some of the marketing and communications elements through social channels such as Linked in where he has built a following of over 1100 mine surveyors and other spatial professionals. He has worked seamlessly with Conference Images and others for many years in helping to bring everything together for AIMS members.

Mark’s pro-active approach, reliability, integrity and commitment to AIMS has been solid for over 20 years, and is still ongoing, providing AIMS with a consistent background framework through many board members and executive changes over these years.

He has undoubtedly been a significant contributor to the overall success and ongoing growth of the AIMS association.

[Reluctantly posted with assistance and encouragement from Peter Sergeant] 


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