Proposed WA Legislative Changes Affecting Mine Surveyors

wa mine surveyorsSEE UPDATE/COMMUNIQUE HERE - Recently, for a variety of reasons, the Western Australian Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) have embarked down the road of reviewing the Western Australian Mine Safety and Inspection Act (1994) and Regulations (1995).

As part of that review, they are looking to move from prescriptive (you shall do this) to a risk based format (what are your risks and how are you going to manage them?).

The proposed changes to the regulations regarding the mine survey industry intend to do away with the Mine Survey Board and the title of "Authorised Surveyor".

It will be up to mine management to conduct a risk assessment regarding the requirements and accuracies of the necessary mine plans, and for mine management to appoint a surveyor that satisfies that risk assessment (based on minimum experience and education requirements as per the status quo).

The DMP would certainly welcome guidance from the Mine Survey industry regarding positive changes to the regulations.....


A group of concerned practising mine surveyors has gotten together to help formulate a response to the DMP. All have a keen interest in protecting the valuable safety achievements gained during the mining boom and are looking to play a part in shaping the future of mine surveying in Western Australia, with the intent enhancing the professional standing of the vocation.

I invite you to join the LinkedIn page we have created (Western Australian Mine Survey Industry Response to Proposed Legislative Changes) where you can find some relevant information, and to participate in the upcoming survey which will gauge interest in the changes we are proposing to put to the DMP.

Additionally, we are looking at organising an industry day, where we will all have to opportunity to speak up on the matter and help shape a brighter future for the industry.

(From Brett Grocock, AIMS Member and Mining Services Manager at Land Surveys)


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