Maptek Forge - September 2023

Maptek Forge September 2023Maptek Forge is a quarterly newsletter that includes the latest success stories that highlight how Maptek decision support technologies are helping customers to change forever the way mining is done.

In this issue

Product release - Ultra long range laser scanner 

The latest Maptek™ laser scanner maintains high end engineering specifications as it responds to market needs for monitoring and survey in very large open pits.

Solution Spotlight - Deformation mapping and modelling

Maptek™ has assembled a comprehensive suite of tools for underground geotechnical and survey applications within an intuitive menu-driven workflow.

Customer success is multi-layered

Early access to new fault modelling tools and a supportive relationship with Maptek™ provided PSM consultants with an edge for a complex geotechnical design project.

Woman in Technology award for 2023

Joana Sousa, Lead Data Scientist for BMA has won the 2023 Maptek Woman in Resources Technological Innovation award hosted by the Minerals Council of Australia.

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