CPD Update - June 2023

CPD UpdateHere is the June 2023 CPD update for members from the AIMS CPD Panel Chairman.

Just a reminder that 2022-23 CPD Returns are due on 1st July 2023. Thanks to those who have already submitted their returns.

For those still to submit their returns, please email as a single pdf, including evidence of attendance, to cpd@minesurveyors.com.au. CPD returns must comply with the BOSSI CPD Determination, and will be returned if they do not comply.

If you are currently short of points, you are still able to obtain points up until 30th June 2023 – email details of event to cpd@minesurveyors.com.au. There is also plenty of webinars available to view including AIMS Webinars #5 and #6 (requires member log-in). Note that CPD points only apply if these webinars were not included in your 2021-22 CPD Return.

If you are still running short of points, applications to BOSSI for conditional compliance or exemption must be received by 31st July 2023.

Always view the latest information on all upcoming AIMS events on the AIMS Events Calendar.

Joel Wooby
AIMS CPD Panel Chairman
June 2023

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