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2024 Newcastle Networking

2024 Newcastle Networking

 Newcastle Networking

To all our NSW Members,

Please join us for the traditional mine surveyors networking event in Newcastle in December,  sponsored by AIMS.

  • WHEN: Friday 22nd December 2023
  • WHERE: Queens Wharf Brewery, Newcastle
  • FROM: 5.30pm.

This event used to attract a great crowd a few year's back but hasn’t been on the last few years due to covid, but now we are back!

It would be great to see as many surveyors as possible for a few quiet beers and a long overdue catchup.

Retired AIMS members also very welcome - we need your wisdom!


Enquiries - Grant Lord - 

OR... just turn up on the night!


Sent on behalf of:

AIMS NSW Sub-Committee
(Australian Institute of Mine Surveyors Limited)


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AIMS National Conference



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